Congratulations to each of the following grantees! Each received $500 to help with their project!

Hyde Park

Elsa French Park – Village of Hyde Park

Elsa French Park is a one acre property in the village of Hyde Park. Plans for the park include a public sculpture garden, seasonal “art in the park” arts and crafts displays by local artists, a nature walk/bird and butterfly garden featuring native plantings, as well as a small open gazebo.




Lamoille Valley Rail Trail Signage – Town of Johnson

New signage and an informational display for a trailhead facility at the Old Mill Park recreational fields in Johnson is being developed. The display will highlight Johnson’s section of the LVRT as well as provide wayfinding to direct users of the trail to the downtown.

The Power of Produce Club- Jeffersonville Farmers’ and Artisan Market

PopThe Power of Produce (POP) Club will be implemented at the Jeffersonville Famers’ and Artisan Market. It is a nationally recognized program aimed to empower children to make healthy food choices and introduce them to where their food comes from. Children ages 5-12 visiting the market will sign a “Passport to Health”, receive a reusable shopping bag as well as $2 in tokens to be used to spend on fresh fruits, vegetables and food plants. Children will also participate in value-creating activities at the market based on food, nutrition and food growing.

Community Playground – Johnson Elementary School

A gJohnson Playgroundroup of parents and the PTA at Johnson Elementary School are working to make upgrades to the community playground in Johnson, a popular community resource that is in need of repair. Plans include installing new equipment and creating a designated play-space geared towards children up to the age of five.


Trail Design – Brewster River Mountain Bike Club

The Brewster River Mountain Bike Club is working to establish a new mountain bike trail network in Cambridge called the Midlands Zone. The new beginner level trails will be open to the public. It is envisioned that the Midlands Zone trails could eventually link the Village of Jeffersonville to the Village at Smugglers Notch.

The funding comes from Healthy Lamoille Valley via CHAMPPS as well as funds contributed to HLV by community partners and stakeholders. (CHAMPPs funds are currently slated to be cut at the state level for budget year 2016).  Please contact your legislators to convey the importance of this funding in our communities.