2025 OVX Youth Statehouse Rally
This event provides youth with a unique platform to use their voices to educate and inform their peers, key decision-makers, and fellow Vermonters on how tobacco and nicotine products negatively impact their schools and communities. Youth can share their lived experiences and be part of a powerful and collective force for positive change within the state.
Prevention Sponsorships Available
Healthy Lamoille Valley is pleased to be able to once again offer prevention sponsorships to the Lamoille Valley community, made available from the Region 3 Vermont Prevention Lead Organization grant. These allotments are designed with equity in mind to be accessible to projects that would be greatly advanced with a small amount of funding.
Upcoming Training: Grant Writing in Prevention
The Northeast Vermont Prevention Consortium, in partnership with the New England Prevention Technology Center Network (NEPTTC), is excited to announce a free two-part grant writing workshop. Participants in this workshop series will receive a free grant-writing toolkit. Additionally, upon completion, participants will receive a certificate of attendance from NEPTTC. We hope you can join us for this valuable opportunity!
Guest Post: Understanding the RAM Model
One of the most common challenges of substance use services is the length of time it can take for someone to start treatment. For OUD, we know that the sooner someone can be seen and started on medications the more likely they are to remain engaged in treatment and the less likely they are to continue using other drugs. About 10 years ago, leaders in the field began exploring ways to get people in to MAT treatment faster. In 2020, MAT programs in Lamoille collaborated to rolled out the Rapid Access to Medication Assisted Treatment (RAM) model.
Save the Date! December 17th Workshops
We’re offering two 3 hour sessions of Drug Recognition and Impairment workshops for health and human service staff on December 17 (educators welcome too!). Choose between two sessions.
Healthy Lamoille Valley Brings the Community Together!
On October 24th, Healthy Lamoille Valley held a fall coalition event bringing together a diverse group of community members to discuss topics surrounding youth substance prevention. The participants...
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day October 26th
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, October 26th, from 10:00am – 2:00pm. This is a great opportunity to turn in your unwanted, unused, or expired medications. Find participating Take Back Day sites in Vermont at takebackday.dea.gov. This service is free and anonymous, no questions asked.